Attorney For Sidoarjo Regent Gus Muhdlor Prepares Legal Efforts After Determination Of Suspect
SIDOARJO - Ahmad Muhdlor's lawyer, Mustofa Abidin, is currently preparing legal action after his client was named a suspect by the KPK.
"Regarding this, his citizens (Muhdlor) respect the KPK's decision and undergo the KPK's decision process. In the near future, they will take legal action, the legal action team should not be able to decide because they see the characteristics of this case," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 17.
He said that on January 25, there had been an operation to arrest the KPK in Sidoarjo, namely the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) of Sidoarjo Regency and had named suspects Siska Wati and Ari Suryono.
"Actually, a few days ago we received a warrant for the start of the investigation (SPPD) until a while there was no release from the KPK," he said.
He said that related to the KPK OTT on January 25, he released that the evidence confiscated in the case was around Rp. 69 million and the value was considered too small if he saw that this case was handled by the KPK.
"BB is small and also timing OTT before the presidential election and also regional elections. However, we don't want to assume there is politicization," he said.
The KPK on Tuesday (16/4) announced the naming of Sidoarjo Regent Ahmad Muhdlor Ali as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of cutting employee incentives at the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) of Sidoarjo Regency.
"KPK has not been able to convey the complete identity of the party named as a suspect, the role and suspicion of the article until later when the sufficient evidence is completed by the investigative team. However, we confirm on media questions that it is true that the person concerned is the regent in Sidoarjo Regency for the period 2021-present," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday.
Ali explained that the determination of the suspect was carried out based on an analysis from the statements of the parties examined as witnesses, including the statements of the suspects and other evidence.
The KPK investigating team then found the role and involvement of other parties who participated in the alleged corruption in the form of deductions and receipts of money within the BPPD of Sidoarjo Regency.
"With these findings, from the case title carried out, it was agreed that there were parties who could be held accountable before the law because they were suspected of enjoying the flow of money," he said.
The KPK on January 29, 2024 detained and named the Head of the General Subdivision and Personnel of the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) of Sidoarjo Regency Siska Wati (SW) as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of cutting employee incentives within the BPPD of Sidoarjo Regency, East Java.
The KPK then on Friday, February 23, 2024 detained and named the suspect status of the Head of the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) of Sidoarjo Regency Ari Suryono (AS) in the same case.
The construction of the case allegedly began when the BPPD of Sidoarjo Regency succeeded in achieving the tax revenue target by 2023.
For the achievement of this target, the Regent of Sidoarjo then issued a Decree to provide incentives to employees within the BPPD of Sidoarjo Regency.
On the basis of this decision, the US then ordered SW to calculate the amount of incentive funds received by BPPD employees as well as the amount of deductions from the incentive funds which were then intended for US and regent needs.
The amount of the discount is 10 percent to 30 percent according to the amount of incentives received.
The US also ordered SW to technically hand over the money in cash coordinated by each treasurer who had been appointed in three regional tax fields and the secretariat.
The US suspect is also active in coordinating and communicating about the distribution of cuts in incentive funds to the regent through the intermediary of several regents' confidants.
Especially in 2023, SW was able to collect deductions and receipts of incentive funds from ASN in the amount of around Rp. 2.7 billion.
KPK investigators are currently still investigating the flow of funds related to the alleged corruption case.
For his actions, AS is suspected of violating his actions, suspect SW was charged with Article 12 letter f of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 20019 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.