Former Adjutant Explains SYL Panic When KPK Searches His Official House

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) is said to have panicked when he heard the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) searching his official residence.SYL's panic was conveyed by his former aide, Panji Hartanto, who was presented as a witness in a trial for alleged extortion and extortion at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, April 17.It started when Panji said that SYL had flown to Spain to make a working visit as Minister of Agriculture."Do you know when the defendant's last visit abroad?" asked Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh."Yesterday we went to Spain," replied Panji."Do you still remember the moon?" asked Judge Rianto."September-October 2023," said Panji.Then, Judge Rianto questioned Panji's knowledge about the search conducted by the KPK at SYL's official residence at Widya Chandra Complex, South Jakarta."Did you know the witness, that at the time of his departure the Defendant Syahrul Yasin Limpo as Minister of Agriculture at that time to Spain there was a search at Widya Chandra's official residence, the minister's family?" asked the judge."The previous visit to Spain was a visit to Rome, which in Spain was raided," said Panji."Do you know where the search came from?" asked Judge Rianto."I'm information from Pak Ubadiah," replied Panji.Then, Judge Rianto asked Panji to describe SYL's condition at that time. It was stated that the former minister was very panicked after hearing the news of the search."You were directly with the defendant at that time, how was the defendant at that time? Was he calm or did he seem a bit panicked or what?" asked Judge Rianto."You're panicking," replied Panji."It's funny, yes. The problem is that the KPK is definitely psychologically panicked. What is conveyed to you?" said Judge Rianto."We were told to check conditions in Jakarta," replied Panji.Receiving an order from SYL, Panji then checked the conditions after the administration through Ubadiah. From the information obtained, KPK investigators confiscated Rp 40 billion in cash and firearms from SYL's official residence."What you know after the search is what was taken from the official residence?" asked Judge Rianto."The information is that there is money," replied Panji."How much money?" said Judge Rianto."Approximately IDR 40 billion," replied Panji."Cash money?" said Judge Rianto."Foreign currency and weapons," said Panji.Meanwhile, Syahrul Yasin Limpo was charged with extortion of up to Rp44.5 billion in the 2020-2023 period. This action was carried out together with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.
This money was then used for the benefit of Syahrul's wife and family, invited gifts, the NasDem Party, religious events, aircraft charters to Umrah and sacrifices. Then, he was also charged with receiving gratuities of Rp40.6 M from January 2020 to October 2023.In addition, he was again named a suspect in the crime of money laundering (TPPU). This effort was made after investigators developed allegations of corruption that was being tried.