Great Potential And Containing Heavy Oil, ESDM Asks Pertamina To Invite Experts

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas) Tutuka Ariadji conveyed the latest news regarding the development of the Badminton Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Field.

Tutuka said that Plagiarism Field actually has great potential but is faced with difficulties in being in the middle of the sea and containing heavy oil or heavy oil which requires special expertise.

"The landscape is huge in potential, but the problem is at sea and it's heavy oil, so you have to use EOR but you can't use steam," said Tutuka, quoted on Wednesday, April 17.

Because he did not use steam technology, Tutuka suspected that the oil taker used sulfactant technology, but the use of sulfactants was still hit by price problems.

"Sulfakn is the key at the price, if the price is okay, it means it can run," added Tutuka.

For this reason, he asked Pertamina to invite international experts to know for sure what technology can be used to developOO Field.

"Right now, we hope that Pertamina invites international experts how to handle this (Lamping Field)," concluded Tutuka.

Previously, Tutuka said that the oil field, which is located in the Thousand Islands (DKI Jakarta) to North Cirebon (West Java), has an oil resource volume of 800 million to 1 billion barrels of oil.

He argues that this field must be worked on immediately in order to pursue the oil lifting target of 1 million barrels per day (BOPD) by 2030.