Getting To Know Colon In Loop Examination Techniques

YOGYAKARTA Colon in-loop examination techniques are one of the types of examinations used in the medical world. This examination technique is included in the radiography examination. To find out the examination of the column in loop, see the following article.

It should be noted that the collon or collon is the longest part of the colon. The section consists of several parts, namely the colon assenden, the collon transversum, the collon desenden, and the collon sigmoid. Kolon itself has the function of threatening the kimus with cerna channel enzymes and absorbing electrolytes and water in order to form a feces.

In the medical world, the cyclone also has the potential to experience problems. To get an overview regarding the problems that occur in the column, a Colonel in-loop examination technique is carried out. Thus it can also be said that the Colonel in-loop examination is a radiological examination carried out to check the health condition of the gut or digestive system in general.

Annisa in her scientific paper entitled "Colon In Loop Examination Procedures" with the Fecaloma Clinic on the Radiology Installation of the Arifin Achmad Hospital, Riau Province, explained that the technique of examining the column in loop is a radiological examination technique carried out from the large intestine using the contrast media retrograde.

The examination of candidate in loop is carried out with the aim that medical officers get an anatomical picture of the colony so that the doctor can enforce the diagnosis of the disease or disorder that occurs in the colony.

In a scientific work entitled Colon In Loop Examination Technique In Melena's Case in the Radiology Installation of the Boyolali Charcoal Pandan Hospital written by Meta Devi Febriani, et al explained that one example of a Colon examination that can be seen using the Colon in loop technique is Melena's Hematomesis. This disease can be caused by bleeding in the organs of the upper cerena channel. As a result, it will be black or dark.

Colon in-loop examination technique, via Meta Devi Febriani, uses projections for Abdoment Polos Photos, Antero Posterior, Anterior Postero, Antero Posterior/Postero Anterior Axial, Postero Anterior Obliq (RAO/LAO), Antero Posterior Obliq (RPO/LPO), Right Lateral Decubitus, Left Lateral Decubitus, Left Lateral, and AP Post Evacuation.

That's information related to the Colonel in loop examination technique. Visit to get other interesting information.