The Ministry Of Transportation Records 1.2 Million People Using General Transportation On The Last Day Of The Eid Holiday
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) noted that users of public transportation for Eid 2024 based on data on April 15 (D+4) or the last day of the Eid holiday were 1,283,557 people.
The data was monitored from the 2024 Integrated Eid Transportation Center Post.
A number of points for the movement of passengers and vehicles monitored through the post at the Head Office of the Ministry of Transportation include 111 terminals, 16 ferry ports, 51 airports, 110 seaports, 173 stations, 42 toll gates, and 20 arterial roads in and out of Jabodetabek which will be monitored at 9 points in 2023 to 11 points in 2024.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation Adita Irawati explained that this figure increased by 31.74 percent compared to the same period last year of 974,319 people.
"Public transport users who use ferry transportation still dominate with a total of 350,667 passengers or reach 27.32 percent of the total public transport users on D+4 Lebaran," he said, in an official statement, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 16.
In detail, the number of public transport passengers per mode of transportation on D+4 Lebaran is road transportation as many as 284,734 passengers, an increase of 22.37 percent compared to last year's D+4 Lebaran which was previously 232,690 passengers, and an increase of 158.22 percent compared to daily normal movements.
Then, crossing transportation was 350,667 passengers. This number increased by 37.51 percent compared to last year's D+4 Lebaran which previously amounted to 255,007 passengers, and rose by 1,267.50 percent compared to the number of passengers on normal days.
Then, there were 309,473 passengers. This number increased by 25.97 percent compared to last year's D+4 Lebaran, which previously amounted to 245,665 passengers, and an increase of 91.32 percent compared to the number of passengers on normal days.
Furthermore, sea transportation was 96,489 passengers. This number increased by 32.14 percent compared to last year's D+4 Lebaran, which previously amounted to 73,078 passengers, and rose 185.21 percent compared to the number of passengers on normal days.
"The train transportation was 222,124 passengers. This number rose 32.26 percent compared to last year's D+4 Lebaran which previously amounted to 167,939 passengers, and rose 84.68 percent compared to the number of passengers on normal days," he said.
Then for personal transportation, based on data from D+4 Lebaran, the number of cars leaving and entering Jabodetabek through the Jasamarga toll road and arteries is 454,224 vehicles or 2,271,120 people.
"This number is down 12.51 percent when compared to last year's 519,594 vehicles and 2,595,850 people. Meanwhile, when compared to the daily normal period, this number has increased by 29.10 percent," he explained.
The details, continued Adita, are cars leaving Jabodetabek via Jasamarga toll roads and arteries as many as 173,574 vehicles or as many as 867,870 people. This number decreased by 22.71 percent compared to last year's 224,576 vehicles or 1,122,880 people.
"Meanwhile, when compared to the normal period, the number has increased by 6.11 percent," he said.
Then, cars entering Jabodetabek via the Jasamarga toll road and arterials as many as 280,650 vehicles or as many as 1,403,250 people.
This number decreased by 4.73 percent compared to last year's 294,594 vehicles or 1,472,970 people.
"Meanwhile, when compared to the normal period, the number has increased by 49.08 percent," he said.
Meanwhile, in the movement of people using motorbikes going out and entering Jabodetabek, on D+4 Lebaran there were 706,586 vehicles or 1,413,172 people.
"This figure decreased by 6.07 percent compared to the number of movements of people and motorcycles on D+4 in 2023 of 752,258 vehicles or 1,504,570 people and an increase of 33.28 percent compared to the daily normal period," he explained.
In detail, the motorbikes that left Jabodetabek were 259,402 vehicles or 518,804 people. This number decreased by 19.18 percent compared to last year's previous 320,969 vehicles or 641,938 people.
Meanwhile, when compared to the normal period, the number has increased by 22.59 percent.
Then, 447,184 motorbikes entered Jabodetabek or 894,368 people. This number has increased by 3.68 percent compared to last year's previous 431,316 vehicles and 862,632 people.
Meanwhile, when compared to the normal period, the number has increased by 40.39 percent.
"The Ministry of Transportation continues to urge the public to remain careful and always prioritize safety on trips even though they have returned to their activities after Eid homecoming," said Adita.