Tips On Maintaining Health After Lebaran To Be Ready To Return To Activities

JAKARTA - Managing stress is a number of ways that travelers need to do so that their health and fitness are maintained after celebrating Eid. There are several other ways that can be done to maintain health so that they are ready to return to their activities after Eid.

"Health tips to return to activities after the Eid holiday can be applied through a lifestyle that we usually call CERDIK, yes, the goal is to stay fit and productive," said Public Health Practitioner dr. Ngabila Salama quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, April 16.

Ngabila said that when conducting routine health checks, the public must ensure that blood pressure is in normal condition or less than 140/90 mmHg. The same thing needs to be ascertained in the condition of blood sugar, cholesterol, fat and gout.

For people with diabetes mellitus, HbA1C levels must be less than 6.5 percent. If the level has reached 5.7 to 6.4 percent, patients are advised to re-examine their health condition every six months because this indicates the potential for pre-diabetics.

In addition, he asked the public to dispel cigarette smoke which could cause a number of losses to the health of other family members.

He explained that active smokers who litter, can cause other people to inhale the smoke and become passive smokers. For example, such as coughing, colds and shortness of breath.

Other potential diseases that can hit passive smokers based on the official website of the Ministry of Health are the risk of heart disease and heart attacks due to damage to blood vessels to lung cancer.

"Don't be an active or passive smoker, it will lower immunity. Those who smoke are called first hand smokers, those who breathe smoke are immediately called second hand smokeers, and inhale the remaining cigarette smoke in an object called a third hand smokeer," he said.

Compared to smoking, Ngabila prefers that people start to be diligent in their physical activities at least through a light stretch for 15 to 30 minutes at the office every 10.00-14.00. Another option is to walk with a target of 8 thousand to 10 thousand per day.

Then run a balanced diet to reduce body weight ideally and quickly through intermittent fasting with a minimum fast of 14-16 hours in 24 hours or shawal fast which is much more indah and all of you replace the incomplete fast during Ramadan yesterday.

Intermittent fasting can be done according to the desired hours, for example fasting from 20.00 to 10.00 or until 12.00 for 14-16 hours. During fasting, each individual can only drink what is not sweet, but outside of fasting time they may eat food according to the daily calorie count.

"Avoid this diet in people with ulcers, and stay dietary under the supervision of nutritionists or doctors. Still, the main thing is to eat lots of vegetables, fruit, reduce sugar consumption, salt, fat," he said.

Finally, in order to manage stress, people must get enough rest time through sleep of at least seven hours per day. This can be circumvented by short sleep (power nap) for 15 to 30 minutes during office break hours.

The goal is to add energy so that the body returns to fitness and a sense of drowsiness disappears quickly and improves the ability to concentrate while working.

In addition to maintaining a sleep pattern, stress can be managed through direct visits to other people, sharing stories with co-workers and interacting with each other with empathy.

CERDIK Tips can increase immunity and prevent people from infectious or non-communicable diseases. For infectious illness, it is recommended to complete free immunization through government programs such as COVID-19 or the paid Influenzae," he said.