AHY Admits The Focus Of Eradicating The Land Mafia Until The End Of His Term Of Office

JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) said he would focus on accelerating land certification and eradicating land mafias in the remainder of President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) administration.

AHY said that the Ministry of ATR/BPN continues to strive to expand the scope of the complete systematic land registration program (PTSL). A total of 104 cities/regencies in Indonesia are targeted for complete certification in 2024, including those that can serve electronically.

"Thus the legal certainty is guaranteed," he told reporters at the ATR/BPN Ministry complex, Jakarta, Tuesday.

According to AHY, this PTSL program is important not only to provide justice to the community, but also to provide an investment climate full of legal certainty, especially related to land and spatial planning.

PTSL is a government program initiated since 2017, which aims to simplify and accelerate the land registration process for the community.

PTSL also aims, including increasing legal certainty over land ownership rights and preventing land disputes in the future.

AHY said he would make working visits to various regions in Indonesia, both in Java and outside Java, to resolve various pending land mafia cases.

"We will reveal land crimes here and there that we hope can save the country's finances and help our people," he said.

He said that his party would carry out the target entrusted by President Joko Widodo, including the revision of Government Regulation (PP) related to the issuance of business rights (HGU) for carbon trading purposes.

The Ministry of ATR/BPN targets to complete the target of issuing 120 million land certificates until President Jokowi's term of office is completed in October 2024.

President Jokowi, when handing over land certificates for residents of Grobogan Regency, Central Java, on January 23, 2024, said that the government until 2023 had completed 110 million certificates out of a total of 126 million land certificates throughout Indonesia.