The Public Is Asked To Be Alert To APK Files Via WhatsApp The Mode Of Police Calls

Polda Metro Jaya appealed to the public regarding fraud using an Android Package Kit (APK) extension document under the guise of a police summons sent via the WhatsApp (WA) application.

"So that people are careful with fraud by accepting the 'file' of the APK," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi reported by ANTARA, Friday, April 12.

If the community is harmed by this mode, Kombes Ade asks to immediately report to the police. "If there are people who feel aggrieved, they should report to the nearest police station," he said.

Previously, there were uploads on social media X related to fraudulent documents with APK extension which were uploaded by the @ibnux account.

In the upload, @ibnux was sent a message via WAleh number 0813-8027-2083 which used a photo profile of the Polda Metro Jaya symbol containing the message "PERMISSION LETTER OF POLDA METRO JAYA".

"On the day Fitri was summoned by the Ciber Police Team," wrote the account.

Meanwhile, cybersecurity expert Bruce Hanadi said that many cases of fraud used APBK documents with various modes such as wedding invitations, package couriers, ticket letters to BPJS bills that could hack personal data and drain accounts.

Bruce reminded the public that malware can be packaged in any form. "Both the APK, pdf, xls, jpg, bmg and others," he said.

Bruce explained that first aid for device users who have already clicked on a link containing a viral APK document is to replace all keywords (passwords).

"Change all the passwords you remember. If you click on WhatsApp, you change the WhatsApp password, you change the email password, you change the e-banking password, everything if possible," he said.

He also explored how hackers work in hacking information. By clicking the APK document link, the system will automatically send a number of data to certain servers including passwords to be tried later by intruders (hackers).

"One of the rescue efforts is to replace the password as soon as possible," he said.