Bangkalan Police Confiscate Pickup Of Firecracker Carriers After Eid Prayers

BangkaLAN - Bangkalan Police, East Java, confiscated a pickup truck carrying firecrackers after the Eid prayer.

According to Bangkalan Police Chief AKBP Febri Isman Jaya, the firecrackers transported by pickup car were about to be detonated at a number of protocol road points in Bangkalan City, as well as in several sub-districts.

"Their action was detected by Bangkalan Police personnel based on information conveyed by the public that there would be a firecracker party," said the Police Chief as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 10.

The officers then studied the information, then dispatched a joint team consisting of the Intel Unit, Criminal Investigation Unit, and the Bangkalan Police Traffic Unit.

When they saw something suspicious, the officers immediately carried out an inspection, then found a lot of firecrackers in the car.

"When the personnel were at the location, the owner fled. Until now, they are still being chased by officers," he said.

A total of 8 boxes of firecrackers with various types of size, ranging from 20 cm to 1 meter.

To anticipate an explosion, members of the police immediately poured the explosives with water. After that, the evidence was brought to the Bangkalan Police Headquarters.

The police chief appealed to the public to avoid playing with explosives. If caught wet, there will be criminal sanctions that can ensnare.

The discovery of firecrackers by people in the westernmost district on Madura Island is the second time during the fasting month until Eid al-Fitr 2024.

Previously, officers also confiscated dozens of firecrackers stored in one of the prayer rooms in the area.