If There Are KPK Detention Center Officers Who Are Still Stubborn Asking For Money During Eid, Immediately Report

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) asked its families of detainees to report if an officer at the detention center asked for money during a visit on Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri. Reports can be made with various media.

"We advise that if the public finds an unscrupulous KPK branch detention center who asks for, extorts and/or insists on giving something, they can immediately report it to the public's complaint department," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters in a written statement, Wednesday, April 10.

Ali ensured that all officers at the KPK Detention Center would provide the best service in accordance with the KPK Detention Center Branch Service Declaration. The reporting can be done through the KPK phone number 021-25578300; call center 198; website http://kws.kpk.go.id; email, namely complaint @kpk.go.id and WhatsApp 0811959575.

The ranks of the KPK Detention Center are committed to providing the best service with a heart in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations. (Officers, ed) do not accept any kind of giving, either money, goods and/or other facilities from prisoners visitors, families, advisors, and/or other people related to detainees," he said.

"KPK asks for the support and cooperation of all parties in question not to provide compensation and/or give in any form to all ranks of the KPK Detention Center branch for the services that have been provided," continued the spokesman with the prosecutor's background.

Ali said, the prisoners had the opportunity to gather with their immediate families to welcome Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri. On the first day of Eid or Wednesday, April 10, visits can be made from 10.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB.

Likewise, on the second day of Eid or Thursday, April 11. "Meanwhile, the food reception schedule starts at 08.00 WIB until 09.30 WIB," said Ali.

The anti-corruption commission has just named 15 of its employees as suspects in illegal levies at the KPK Detention Center. They include the Head of the KPK Detention Center Achmad Fauzi and two former Acting Heads of the Ristanta KPK Detention Center and Deden Rochendi.

This extortion was carried out between 2019 and 2023 with the amount of money received by the suspects of around Rp. 6.3 billion.

The detainees gave this money to get a number of additional facilities, including being allowed to carry cellphones or power banks which should be prohibited. Meanwhile, those who do not hand over money will be punished.