Pertamax Consumption Ahead Of Eid Al-Fitr Up Capai 70.6 Percent

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) noted that the consumption of fuel oil (BBM) on Sunday April has increased significantly. Uum, compared to daily consumption, fuel consumption recorded an increase, both gasoline 3.7 percent, gasoil 0.6 percent, and kerosene 5.5 percent. The highest increase occurred at Pertamax 70.6 percent.

The average daily realization of fuel compared to normal sales during the 2024 RAFI Task Force increased. Homecomers are advised to ensure that fuel conditions are sufficient to anticipate queues on trips," said President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Riva Siahaan in a written statement quoted on Tuesday 9 April.

Furthermore, Riva explained that Pertamina Patra Niaga continues to monitor to ensure that fuel remains safe. Monitoring is carried out directly to the field and also digitally through the Pertamina Integrated Enterprise Data and Command Center (PIEDCC).

"At PIEDCC, we can see the stock of each gas station along with the delivery schedule, we can even monitor gas stations through their CCTV which has been integrated into the Pertamina system, all in real time," said Riva.

Then fuel consumption such as Pertalite rose 26.9 percent and Pertamax also increased by 70.6 percent. The increase in consumption almost occurred in all types of fuel.

Pertalite consumption rose 26.9 percent, Pertamax rose 70.6 percent, Pertamax Turbo rose 33.3 percent, Solar fell 4.1 percent, Dexlite rose 28.3 percent, Pertamina Dex rose 32.2 percent, and Kerrosene rose 42.5 percent.

Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, added that his party had prepared 1,792 gas stations for 24 hours, 61 Kiosk Pertamina Siaga points to provide Pertamax/Dex Series, 54 motorcycle units at traffic jam locations, and 200 units of tank cars.

Then, there are 5,027 standby agents to supply LPG and 6 MyPertamina Serambi points to provide health services, tournament rooms, and various rest facilities on the homecoming route.

"SPBU in potential lane areas such as toll roads, tourist routes, and logistics lines is alerted 24 hours," he said.