Apply Odd Even, D-1 Lebaran Puncak Bogor Route Is Crowded Smoothly
Bogor - Polres revealed that the traffic flow (traffic) of Lebaran 2024 at Simpang Gadog, Bogor Regency, West Java, was in a smooth condition on D-1 Lebaran or Tuesday, April 9. The traffic flow situation at Simpang Gadog, Bogor Regency, West Java, currently tends to run smoothly," said Head of Traffic Operation Development Affairs (KBO Satlantas) Bogor Police Iptu Ardian Novianto to ANTARA at Simpang Gadog, Bogor. Up to 08.00 WIB, Ardian continued, vehicles were monitored at limiting points in Muncang Sand, Megamendung, and Cisarua Market also did not appear to have significant queues.Kendaraan passing to Puncak Street is currently dominated by vehicles that will carry out the movement of Lebaran homecoming. Seen from vehicle number plates outside the Bogor Regency area passing through, it is likely that they will also perform homecoming, but still local in the West Java region. "We from the Bogor Police Traffic Unit are still implementing such engineering as Ganjil Genap which we carried out from Friday 5 April to Tuesday 9 April, it is observed that the situation is also not too many vehicles that have been reversed. Alhamdulillah, it means that the public already understands the implementation of Ganjil Genap on the Peak Line," said Ardian. As of today, from the beginning of the implementation of Operational Security of the 2024 Lodaya District, vehicles crossing the Peak tourist area are approximately up to five days carrying out security. The total of the passing vehicles consists of two-wheeled vehicles, four-wheeled vehicles and six-wheeled vehicles or more. We are still monitoring the movement of vehicle currents, and for five days as many as 238 thousand it has not yet occurred a significant spike, "said Ardian.
The homecoming flow from Friday, April 5 to Sunday, April 7, is the most recorded in the data from the Bogor Police Traffic Unit. However, for today, Tuesday, April 9 and yesterday, Monday, April 8, based on the analysis of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, it is possible that only the rest or those who will carry out homecoming are approaching Hari Raya. The condition of traffic flow at Simpang Gadog itself on D-1 Lebaran until 09.23 WIB was monitored smoothly both from Jakarta to Puncak and vice versa.