If You Experience Emergency Conditions On Toll Roads, Take Note Of These 9 Important Numbers

JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (JSMR) provides guidance for travelers who experience emergency conditions during their homecoming trips. Homecomers who experience emergency conditions while on toll roads can follow the guidelines provided by Jasa Marga.

"Before starting the homecoming trip, one of the preparations made was to anticipate an emergency on the toll road," Jasa Marga wrote in its official Instagram upload @official.jasamarga Monday, April 8.

There are three types of emergency conditions called Jasa Marga during the homecoming trip on the toll road. First, there is a traffic accident. Second, vehicle disturbances such as broken tires, dead machines and other conditions. Third, force majeure or an emergency that is out of control.

At least travelers must do the following four things if they experience an emergency on the toll road. First, move to the shoulder of the left side of the road. Second, turn on the hazard light.

The third action that must be taken is to install a security triangle approximately 50 meters from the vehicle. Finally, contact the emergency telephone number that has been alerted.

Jasa Marga urges travelers via toll roads to store 9 important numbers in anticipation and handling of emergency conditions.

1. One call center Jasa Marga: 14080

2. Pertamina fuel: 135

3. Police: 110

4. Firefighters: 113

5. National SAR Agency (Basarnas): 115

6. Ambulance/Ministry of Health: 119

7. National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB): 117

8. Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR): 158

9. Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub): 151