5 Safe Sports Tips For Osteoporosis Patients

YOGYAKARTA Regular exercise helps strengthen muscles that protect the bone. For people with osteoporosis, regular exercise is also a must. Osteoporosis is a weakened bone disorder that can cause fractures, such as hip bone and spine. To reduce the risk of injury, exercise can help. Well, for people with osteoporosis, these are safe sports tips to do.

Osteoporosis is the main cause of defects in elderly women. Because regular exercise is useful for increasing muscle strength, balance, reducing the risk of fracture, improving posture, and reducing pain, it is still important for osteoporosis sufferers to do. However, consult with your health service provider or doctor before starting the sports program. Tests that need to be done include bone density measurements and fitness assessments.

Power exercise is a safe sport to do. This exercise includes the use of weights, band resistance, or the burden of your own body to strengthen muscles, tendons, and bones. This type of exercise that trains strength helps build back muscles that are important for body posture. It can also help bone density. It is important to note, adjust your load, abilities, and level of comfort. Try to provide sports programs accompanied by physical or personal trainers who have experience in dealing with osteoporosis sufferers.

Aerobic exercise involves strength of foot holding the weight of the body. That way, bones that support your weight can be stronger and stay in balance. Examples of aerobic activity, including walking, dancing, up and down the stairs, and gardening.

This type of exercise works directly on the bones of the lower legs, hips, and spine to slow bone loss. They also increase blood flow and are good for the heart.

Aerobic exercise is good for overall health. But most importantly, for people with osteoporosis, it is necessary to train strength, flexibility, and balance. For flexible exercise activities, various movements can be done. The movement aims to keep the muscles working well. For example stretching movements to warm muscles before you start weight exercise. Stretching, it should be done gently and slowly.

Stabilization and balance exercises also need to be done. This helps the muscles stay under control so as to reduce the chances of falling. Simple exercises that improve stability and balance include standing on one leg and movement-based exercises such as tai chi.

If people with osteoporosis start a sporting program, launch the Mayo Clinic, Friday, April 5, avoid certain movements. First, avoid high-impact sports. Such as jumping, running or jogging which causes fractures to weaken the bones. Avoid jingling movements. In addition, do not do bend and twist movements because increase the risk of fractures.

Exercises that should be avoided for people with osteoporosis, including touching their fingers or doing sit-ups. Other activities that may require you to bend or turn your back strongly are golf, tennis, Marijuana, and some yoga poses.