OJK Strict Evaluation Of Every Foreign Investor Plan That Wants To Invest In Domestic Banking

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is rigorously evaluating every plan of foreign investors who want to invest in the domestic banking sector. "A strict evaluation is carried out to ensure the positive contribution of foreign investors to Indonesia's banking and economic sector as a whole," said OJK Banking Supervision Chief Executive Dian Ediana Rae in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 5. OJK periodically receives various application for permits from foreign investors, including those who want to strengthen bank capital through rights issue. Dian said policies and regulations continue to be refined to maintain balance between inviting investment and ensuring stability as well as financial system integrity, including rules on ownership restrictions, technology transfer, and strengthening local capacities. In general, the investment climate for foreign investors in the banking sector of Indonesia remains attractive despite competitive dynamics and competition. Factors such as stable economic growth, large population growth, and innovation opportunities as well as expansion, including in the digital banking sector, financial technology (fintech), and financial inclusion, remain attractive to foreign investors.

Industri perbankan melanjutkan tren pertumbuhan yang positif dengan kredit tetap tumbuh double digit di Februari 2024 sebesar 11,28 persen year on year (yoy).Pada triwulan IV-2023 ekonomi domestik mampu tumbuh kuat sebesar 5,04 persen (yoy), meningkat dari 4,94 persen (yoy) pada triwulan III-2023, atau tumbuh 5,05 persen (yoy) untuk keseluruhan 2023.