Honor 121 South Sorong Village Officials In 2024 Immediately Disbursed

SORONG - The South Sorong Regency Government (Pemkab), Southwest Papua, processed the payment of honorarium 121 village officials using the 2024 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) worth a total of IDR 8.4 billion.Head of the South Sorong Regency Village and Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMK), Yohan Bodori, said that since today the village officials have been disbursed."In total there are 121 villages with payments for each village receiving a budget of Rp. 70 million to pay village officials' honorariums, so the total is Rp. 8.4 billion," he said in Teminabuan, Antara, Friday, April 5.He said the allocation of village funds (ADD) ready to be processed was sourced from the 2024 APBD, including for the benefit of operational and administrative services."It is routinely carried out every year with the amount of budget capacity that is as usual. For village funds sourced from the first phase of the APBD, we are preparing documents. Everything that has been determined through the village deliberation (muskam) is being carried out. This year there is a village where the number of ADD reaches more than Rp. 1 billion," said Yohan.He explained that the disbursement of the honorarium was in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130 of 2024 concerning changes in search from four stages to two stages.
"The first stage starts from January to June and the second stage starts from August to December. Regulation of the Regent of South Sorsel (South Sorong) Number 7 for ADD and Number 8 for DD in 2024. This is a provision in the disbursement process. After the Eid holiday is over, we have started the process of village funds sourced from the first phase of the APBN," said Yohan.