Russian Antitrust Authority Asks For Explanation From Apple Regarding Banking Service Restrictions

JAKARTA - On Thursday, April 4, Russia's antitrust agency announced that it had written to Apple Inc, asking the US tech giant to explain why Russian users of Apple devices do not have full access to banking and payment service functionality.

The Russian Federal Antitrust Agency (FAS) has fined Apple about $26 million in the past two years in relation to what it describes as abuse of Apple's dominant position in the mobile app market and in-app payments.

Apple previously "respectfully disagreed" with the FAS' decision that Apple's app distribution through the iOS operating system provides a competitive advantage for Apple's own products.

FAS says most Russian banks have been removed from the App Store and that Apple doesn't let users install apps from anywhere other than the App Store, making it impossible for Russian banks and non-contact services to work.

"The company's measures contain signs of a violation of the antitrust law," FAS said in a statement. "The service sent a letter to the company about the need to convey a detailed and motivated position on the matter to the institution."

Last month, Apple created a major concession in its battle to protect its App Store dominance on iPhones and other devices in Europe, telling developers they are free to distribute their applications directly to consumers. The changes were made to comply with the European Union Digital Markets Act (DMA).