KPK: State Official Wealth Report Rate Drops 0.46 Percent Compared To 2022

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that the number of state administrators' assets reports (LHKPN) in the 2023 period decreased in percentage. Of the 406,844 required to report, only 392,772 officials submitted their wealth.

"This figure decreased by 0.46 percent compared to the 2022 report, which is 97 percent," said KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati to reporters in a written statement, Thursday, April 4.

Ipi revealed that 14,072 officials had not reported until the deadline for delivery, namely March 31, 2024. Based on the latest data on April 3, 9,111 officials came from the central and regional executives.

Then in the legislative sector, there were 4,046 officials who had not reported it, said Ipi. Meanwhile, judiciary, there are 175 mandatory reports that have not submitted their assets to the anti-corruption commission.

Meanwhile, for BUMN/BUMD there are 740 officials who have not reported their wealth. "KPK appeals to state administrators/report authorities who have not submitted LHKPN to continue to fulfill their reporting obligations," said Ipi.

Ipi ensured that his institution would continue to receive reports submitted by state officials. Moreover, there is no reason for officials not to report their wealth.

This is because the KPK has made it easier for reports that can be accessed online through the website It's just that, for officials who convey their wealth past the time limit, it will be written "late to report".

"KPK expresses its appreciation to PN/WL who have fulfilled their obligations to convey the 2023 periodic LHKPN in a timely and complete manner," concluded Ipi.