Ramadan Commotion, BRI-MI Synergizes With BRI Group To Improve Community Welfare

JAKARTA - Interpreting the month of Ramadan 1445 Hijri, BRI Investment Management (BRI-MI) together with BRI Group held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity entitled 'Share Happy with BRI Group' which was held at the Downstream Dam, Gg. VII RW 1, Central Jakarta.

This activity is a form of concern for the community as well as a manifestation of the company's social responsibility, by distributing food packages to orphanages, werdha orphanages, and du'afa communities at several regional points throughout Indonesia. The initiative carried out by Bank BRI involves all Regional Offices and Bank BRI Subsidiaries.

Head of the BRI-MI Corporate Communication and Legal Division, Yudhistira Putra Pradana, said that he fully supports collaboration in these activities to increase synergy between BRI Groups and make a positive contribution during the holy month of Ramadan 1445 H.

"In this blessed month, BRI-MI participated in a series of social activities in the hope of supporting the BRI Cares program and synergizing with BRI Groups to improve the welfare of the community, while continuing to carry out our commitment to social and environmental responsibilities in the BRI-MI operational office area," said Yudhistira in a statement released on Thursday, April 4.

The implementation of this activity was carried out simultaneously by Bank BRI and BRI Group, involving all subsidiary companies, BRI Regional Offices spread throughout Indonesia, as well as active participation from BRI Group workers and BRIlink agents, with the aim that assistance can be received directly by the community more quickly.

Holds CSR With Orphans Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College Foundation (AIC)

In addition to the implementation of the CSR activity "Share Happy with BRI Cares", BRI-MI has also held iftar activities together with Orphans from the Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College Foundation (AIC), at the BRILiaN Center Auditorium, Central Jakarta.

In this activity, BRI-MI provided assistance in the form of cash compensation and open food for 50 orphans from the Asshiddiqiyah Islamic College Foundation (AIC), which was distributed through the Baitul Maal Foundation (YBM) BRILiaN.

Yudhistira said that this joint iftar event was part of the company's annual routine activities to strengthen friendship and synergy within the company.

"With the spirit of sharing and caring, BRI-MI hopes to provide benefits and happiness for the community, especially for orphans, and make Ramadan this year more meaningful for all parties involved," he concluded.