Customs Confiscates 1 Million Illegal Cigarettes In Kudus During Ramadan 2024, State Losses Are Estimated To Reach IDR 961.784 Million

JAKARTA - The Kudus Customs Enforcement Team confiscated one million illegal cigarettes from two prosecutions carried out during the month of Ramadan with a potential state loss of Rp. 961,784,537. The action was carried out in Jepara and Grobogan Regencies.

"The total number of illegal cigarettes secured by Kudus Customs and Excise is 1,002,850 sticks," said Sandy Hendratmo, Head of the Kudus Customs Counseling and Information Service, in his official statement, Thursday, April 4.

Sandy revealed that the prosecution began with the analysis of information on Customs and Excise Kudus. Based on this information, the prosecution team conducted an examination of three buildings suspected of producing and hoarding illegal cigarettes around the Kalinyamatan District, Jepara Regency.

After conducting an inspection, the team found cigarettes of machine kretek cigarettes (SKM) attached to fake excise tape with various brands totaling 624,850 sticks and two heating devices.

Meanwhile, the illegal cigarettes found were estimated at IDR 862,293,000 with a potential state loss of IDR 598,118,917.

Furthermore, Sandy revealed that the Kudus Customs and Excise enforcement team also succeeded in securing illegal cigarettes transported using trucks on Jalan Raya Blora Purwodadi, Tawangharjo District, Grobogan Regency. Based on the results of the examination, the team found SKM-type cigarettes without being attached to excise stamps with various brands.

Sandy said the total illegal cigarettes found in the truck were 378,000 cigarettes with an estimated cigarette value of Rp524,190,000. And the potential loss to the state that was saved reached Rp363,665,620.

Sandy said that the various modes of illegal cigarette circulation that had been dealt with could not be separated from the participation of the community who actively supported the eradication of illegal cigarettes.

"We thank the elements of society who have actively contributed to efforts to eradicate illegal cigarettes," he concluded.