Zoom Supports Business Transformation With AI-Based CX Platform

JAKARTA Zoom Video Communications, held a CX Summit in Asia Pacific virtually on Thursday, April 4. Through this event, Zoom highlighted the importance of platforms centered on CusTOMer Experiment(CX).Head of APAC Zoom, Ricky Kapur, said that the CX platform continues to evolve as customer needs continue to grow. Now, customers are looking for platforms that provide services, personalization, and are able to solve various issues. "They want to be treated quickly and with original empathy in each interaction, in each channel. Many are willing to pay premiums for (such services)," said Kapur when opening the event. The company needs platforms with consistent and smooth experience. They also tend to choose platforms with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology because they are considered more productive and more helpful in solving customer problems. This need is in line with the results of Frost and Sullivan research, a global research institute, that investments in the AI field will increase. In fact, this increase is estimated to reach 70 percent in just two years. Therefore, Zoom continues to provide AI-based customer services sought and needed by customers, one of which is Zoom Contact Center (ZCC). As an optimized platform for video, ZCC now presents more than 700 features.

ZCC is considered the right platform for the company because it has a variety of innovations that facilitate interactions between workers and customers. Various innovations that exist in ZCC are considered useful in monitoring customer and employee experiences. "Companies are trying hard to provide an experience that feels close and integrated," said Head of ZCC Chris Morrissey. "There needs to be changes in the company's technology, especially by utilizing modern AI-backed CX platforms like Zoom." Even though the features inside the ZCC are quite diverse, Zoom still presents new innovations to improve the quality of customer experience. The innovations launched recently were AI Companion, AI Expert Assist, and Zoom Workforce Engagement Management. AI Companion is a feature of direct transcription providers, while AI Expert Assist is a conversation analyst to transform interactions. Meanwhile, Zoom Workforce Engagement Management is a tool to accelerate workflows.