TASPEN Operasi Panti Dua Pondok Pesantren Di Jawa Barat

JAKARTA - PT Dana Tabungan dan Asuransi Pegawai Negeri (Persero) atau TASPEN terus memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat melalui berbagai kegiatan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL).

This time, in commemoration of the 61st Anniversary of TASPEN, the company provided assistance in the form of Panti Surgery activities for two Islamic boarding schools in West Java, namely the Baiturrahman, Rawa Kalong, Bekasi Regency Islamic Boarding School and the Sirojul Mubtadin Islamic Boarding School in Bogor Regency, in collaboration with the Islamic Spiritual Development Agency (Babin Rohis).

PT TASPEN (Persero) provided a bathroom renovation fee of Rp. 25 million and contributed 61 towels to the two Islamic boarding schools. The aid was handed over symbolically directly by the Director of Human Resources & IT Ovita Susiana Rosya to the Head of the Baiturrahman Baiturrahman Orphanage Islamic Boarding School, Nizan in Rawa Kalong, Bekasi Regency, West Java, Tuesday, April 2.

"As a BUMN in the field of social security, TASPEN is committed to always contributing to the community. TASPEN's 61st Anniversary is a blessing in itself for TASPEN because it coincides with the holy month of Ramadan 1445 H. This assistance is expected to improve the welfare of students/striwati in the two Islamic boarding schools and be a form of our gratitude to Allah SWT for all the gifts that have been given in the long journey of TASPEN for 61 years. We hope to continue to increase the company's contribution to the community and have a real and significant impact on Indonesian participants and people. TASPEN is committed to running various TJSL programs that are in line with the core business of the company," explained Ovita.

The leader of the Baiturrahman Orphanage Islamic Boarding School, Nizan, thanked and appreciated the assistance provided by TASPEN.

"This assistance is expected to increase the enthusiasm of students / female students at our Islamic boarding school. May Allah SWT replace this assistance with thousands of blessings for all TASPEN employees," he explained.

Carrying the theme Step Forward, Eliminate The Future, on this series of 61st birthdays, TASPEN continues to be committed to staying Reliable in Serving, not only for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Retirement, but also for the wider community.

TASPEN hopes to become an Institution that manages the ASN Social Insurance and Pension Fund Program as well as State Officials who remain Superior, Trusted and Sustainable, and have a positive contribution to Indonesia.