Become A Land Mafia, Former Village Head in Salatiga Detained

SALATIGA - A former village head in Salatiga with the initials BH (60 years) and NH (51) residents of Salatiga were detained by the Salatiga District Attorney, Central Java for being involved in the land mafia.

Both of them sold the twisted land assets of Ledok Village, Argomulyo District, Salatiga City, which cost the state IDR 256 million.

After being named suspects on Wednesday, April 3, both of them were immediately detained and placed in the Salatiga detention center.

The head of the Salatiga Prosecutor's Office, Sukamto, said that the two suspects were subject to Article 2 paragraph (1), Article 3, Article 9, Article 12 letter e jucnto Article 18 of Law 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

"The two suspects were detained for 20 days, and an extension of detention can be carried out if the filing has not been completed," said Sukamto.

Kasi Intel Kejari Salatiga, Mirzantiordinanda revealed that the actions of the two suspects were carried out in 2023, starting with the complete systematic land registration (PTSL) 2023.

"They then issued a land sale and purchase letter, which was then carried out as a condition for registration," Mirzantio said.

The land covers an area of about 250 square meters. As a result, the state suffered losses with a value of IDR 256 million.

"From the sale and purchase letter, a letter C quote was issued which is the basis for the manipulation of state assets in Ledok. The land area is 250 square meters with a value of IDR 256 million," he said.

The Salatiga District Prosecutor's Office is serious in handling matters related to the land mafia and those directly related to state or government assets.