Nutrition Experts Share Healthy Diet Tips After Eid

JAKARTA - Given the post-Lebaran moment, it is an opportunity to rearrange a better diet to maintain health. Nutritionist, dr. Elfina Rachmi, MGzi, SpGK shared five tips for returning healthy diets after Ramadan and Eid:

Limit sugar, salt and oil, and diligently monitor weight. In addition, also check your health regularly, get enough rest and manage well.

Follow the 4J healthy diet: Number, Schedule, Type and Cooking Style. Sufficient amount and balanced diet as needed, regular schedule so that the metabolic process is well maintained, as well as healthy cooking moves by choosing various processing, such as steaming, cooking, roasting, pepes rather than frying. Frying should be maximized 2 times a week.

Make sure all macronutrient nutrients (carbohydrates, protein or fat), micronutrients ( mineral vitamins) and daily fluids are met.

Choose complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, wheat bread or oatmeal. Choose fat from a good source of fat and reduce saturated fat such as fried food or junk food. Also pay attention to fiber intake that can be obtained from vegetables and fruits.

Make sure to drink 2 liters of water or 8 glasses a day. Minimize sweet drinks, sods and those that contain excessive caffeine, such as coffee, because they cause more frequent urinosis and can inhibit calcium absorption.

The exercise target should be 3-5 times a week. Starting with light to moderate exercise is like walking around the house to clash the muscles that have not been trained for a long time, then arrange the exercise schedule according to the needs and conditions of the body.