Today's 2024 Presidential Election Dispute Follow-up Session, KPU-Bawaslu's Turn To Present Witnesses And Experts

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) has again held a follow-up trial of the General Election Results Presence (PHPU) trial, today. The agenda is witness examination and evidence from the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Baswaslu) as the respondent.

"This morning we will jointly carry out the agenda of the trial of evidence for the respondents KPU and Bawaslu," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo during the trial, Wednesday, April 3.

At this trial, the KPU presented one expert, namely Prof. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo. Then, there were two witnesses, namely Yudistira Dwi Wardhana Asnar who is the developer of Sirekap ITB and Andre Putra Hermawan as the KPU Pusdatin

Meanwhile, Bawaslu is said to have presented one expert, namely Prof. Muhammad Alhamid, who is a Professor of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Hassanudin University. He also served as Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu for the 2012-2017 period.

Then, for witnesses, Bawaslu appointed seven people. They include Iji Jaelani, Hari Dermanto, Nur Kholiq, Sakhroji, Zacky M Zamzam, Umi Illiyina, and Bardul Munir.

The witnesses were Indonesian Bawaslu experts and provincial Bawaslu commissioners.

"KPU and Bawaslu will submit evidence of witnesses and experts," said Suhartoyo.