ATI Chair: Indonesia's Toll Road Is In Good Condition To Serve The 2024 Eid Homecoming

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Toll Road Association (ATI) revealed that Indonesia's toll roads are in a stable condition and ready to serve Lebaran travelers this year.

The chairman of ATI Subakti Syukur said that 1,782 km of toll roads operating in Indonesia are in a steady condition and ready to serve people's movements during the homecoming and return to Lebaran.

"We ensure that some maintenance work in certain sections, additional supporting infrastructure, is ready before the Eid homecoming period runs. All BUJT members of ATI are ready to serve toll road users throughout Indonesia," said Subakti Syukur in Jakarta, Tuesday.

In order to support traffic engineering in several areas, ATI has also prepared several functional toll roads.

"The sections that will be functionalized to support the handling of the homecoming and homecoming flow back to Lebaran, the day and time policies are functional, fully following the provisions of the PUPR team, Transportation, and Korlantas Polri. Please be careful and follow instructions from field officers," said Subakti Syukur.

Entering the Lebaran traffic period in 2024, all Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) who are members of the Indonesian Toll Road Association ("ATI") stated their readiness to welcome people who will travel, stay in touch to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1445 H.

Subakti added that coordination with stakeholders has been carried out. The readiness of toll road infrastructure facilities and infrastructure is coordinated with the PUPR ministry.

Policy arrangements, including traffic engineering during the handling of homecoming and return flows, are coordinated with the Ministry of Transportation. The same thing with Korlantas and the National Police Region for the arrangement of its implementation in the field.

Subakti Syukur expressed his gratitude for the synergy that was well established. "Hopefully the various scenarios for handling traffic will go well, and the public who use toll roads can celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1445 H safely, smoothly, fun and cheerfully," he said.

Meanwhile, ATI Secretary General Kris Ade Sudiyono said that the condition of the toll road is ensured to be good, free from damage, holes and various repair works, have complete mandates, and road markings that are clearly visible so that they can be passed properly.

All BUJTs confirm to function and alert additional units of toll transaction equipment, cranes, ambulances, patrol and rescue vehicles, surveillance cameras and traffic management systems, as well as various other traffic engineering support equipment. The same is true for the readiness of service officers who will spread to help serve toll road users.