191 Rohingya Refugees In Pekanbaru Illegally Come

PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol), Riau, stated that around 191 ethnic Rohingya roamers around the local Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) came illegally from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam.

"Their arrival was without coordination with the Overseas Refugee Handling Task Force (PPLN). Meanwhile, 119 people were coordinated by PPLN from Aceh to Pekanbaru," Head of the Pekanbaru Kesbangpol Agency Syoffaizal, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 2.

Rohingya refugees from this official route were escorted from Nangroe Aceh Province Darussalam to Pekanbaru. The Pekanbaru City Government and the International of Migration (IOM) provide a place to live for Rohingya refugees, namely the Community House.

However, it is full because the Community House only has seven rooms for singles or does not have a wife or husband. So because refugees who are married cannot be combined with singles, they cannot be accommodated.

"Indeed, there are refugees from the Rohingya ethnic group who are in front of the Rudenim or around the back of the Retired MTQ area. This is because of the absence of Community House," he said.

Meanwhile, 191 Rohingyas came sporadically to Pekanbaru. However, his party together with the PPLN Task Force still think about 191 people.

"Currently there are around 129 Rohingya in the Rudenim. Actually, the main goal of the Rohingya refugees is to Malaysia," he said.

Based on observations in the field, hundreds of Rohingya refugees were seen making tents on the sidewalk behind the Pekanbaru Rudenim. They made simple tents with tarpaulins and cloth inhabited by men, women, and children.