How To Maximize Security On Windows Laptops

JAKARTA Every device needs to be protected for privacy and security, including computer devices with the Windows operating system. It is important to know how to maintain the security of the device.

There are several things you need to pay attention to when using a Windows laptop, such as checking access security and apps that may be threatening. Here are some things you can do to keep Windows laptops safe, quoted from Gizmodo. Protect Devices by Locking Screen Crimes can happen anywhere and anytime. When you are somewhere and want to die a laptop in just a few minutes, make sure that your device cannot be explored or locked so that outsiders cannot access it. Screen lock can be enabled by turning on PC modes wake up from sleep mode. Automatically, the screen will go to the key screen. You can also activate Dynamic Key so that the laptop can be locked automatically when you stay away from the keyboard. Shut down Data Collection System in Windows Another way you can do to keep your laptop safe is to limit unwanted data collection. It's quite easy, you just need to open Settings, then tap on Privacy and Security options. Once you see several menus related to data collection in Windows, click on the General section. Next, disable the data collection options you want such as targeted advertising, tracking app launches, and much more.

In the Diagnostic and Feed Sections, you can control the data collected by Windows, manage the data, or delete data that has been collected so far. You can also turn off activity tracking by disabling Activity History. Control Data from Various Apps The last way you can do is control programs that need and do not require your Windows laptop system. You only need to open Settings, then select Privacy and Security to view access from each app. You can turn off the camera, location, and microphone in certain programs. You can also turn off access to certain permissions such as deciding access to a file system. This action will be very useful in mitigating unwanted data theft.