Assuming Remeh Is An Expert In The Ganjar Kubu At The Constitutional Court Session, Hotman Paris: It's So Strange For Them, I'm Dizzy To Hear

JAKARTA - A member of the Prabowo-Gibran legal team, Hotman Paris Hutapea, assessed that the explanation of the experts proposed by the Ganjar-Mahfud team in today's 2024 presidential election dispute trial was illogical.

According to Hotman, the Ganjar-Mahfud team was not good at presenting experts to strengthen their lawsuit. One of the experts Hotman criticized was Franz Magnis Suseno's argument, who is a professor of philosophy.

In his presentation, Father Magnis questioned President Joko Widodo's ethics with the alleged involvement of support for Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 presidential election.

"How come, 90 million votes from Prabowo want to be canceled from the testimony of moral messages from Romo. This is a legal issue, it's not a matter of moral messages. So, really, how strange is this their legal team," said Hotman at the Constitutional Court building, Tuesday, April 1.

In addition, Hotman also criticized the presentation of professors of psychology at the University of Indonesia, Hamdi Muluk, and the Director of the Center for Social Representative Studies, Risa Permana Deli.

According to him, election disputes cannot be won by statements from social and psychological experts.

"Two psychologists want to be used to cancel 90 million votes, does it make sense? I'm dizzy to hear it. Which legal practice is this?" said Hotman.

"That's why I said, where are you going 03? It's really bad, I still want to win again, in the Constitutional Court. I don't know what self, really?" he continued.