Kubu Ganjar Expert Highlights Jokowi's Social Assistance At The Constitutional Court Session, Yusril Uploads Cak Imin's Village Fund Program

JAKARTA - The head of the legal team Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, responded to the presentation of a psychologist, Hamdi Muluk, which was proposed by the Ganjar-Mahfud team in the 2024 presidential election dispute trial.

Hamdi explained about the incumbent role, in this case President Joko Widodo's support for boosting Prabowo-Gibran's voice. One of them is the distribution of social assistance (bansos).

Yusril was surprised that Hamdi only highlighted Jokowi, who could be considered an incumbent in his involvement in supporting Prabowo-Gibran.

"That social assistance will affect increasing support for incumbents or those supported by incumbents in the election process," said Yusril at the Constitutional Court hearing, Tuesday, April 2.

"In our country, why should we focus on incumbents? Could there be other things that we actually miss?" he continued.

Yusril also mentioned the role of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar. Abdul Halim is the older brother of the vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin).

According to Yusril, Abdul Halim also has the potential to utilize a village fund program of Rp. 1 billion per village with a total of 83,971 villages in Indonesia, for the sake of winning Anies Baswedan-Cak Imin in the 2024 presidential election.

"Can you also see the connection, for example, Mendes, is the younger brother (brother) of Muhaimin Iskandar. If Jokowi is connected to Gibran, is it irrelevant to associate Muhaimin Iskandar with his younger brother who controls the distribution of village funds. Why did this go unnoticed?" said Yusril.

Responding to this, Hamdi Muluk admitted that the theory of increasing social assistance correlated with increasing political support also applies to other things.

"Indeed, if we want the study to be detailed, it is true that we can consolidate more local data. I don't have the data (implication of village funds)," replied Hamdi.