Clothing Seller Who DIEd By Yaris Driver, Just Arrived In Tangerang 3 Days Ago

TANGERANG Resky Ariska, a clothing seller on Jalan Borobudur, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, died after being stabbed with a sword by a woman driving a white Toyota Yaris, Monday, April 1, at around 10.30 WIB. In fact, the 43-year-old woman only arrived in Tangerang 3 days ago. He came from West Sumatra intending to sell clothes to help his brother.

The news of Resky as a newcomer was confirmed by Aciak (54), as the Chair of the Minang Forum when met by VOI at the funeral home, on Jalan Sawi II, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Monday night, April 1.

"It's only been 3 days here (in Tangerang)," said Aciak.

Aciak said, Resky and the perpetrator did not know each other. Because, he said, Resky had only been arriving in Tangerang for 3 days.

"I don't know each other. Because he (the victim) just arrived. It seems spontaneous. But it's not our job either. Maybe he's annoyed or what," he said.

Aciak also admitted that he did not know any further about Resky's death. This is because he has not met with the Resky family, because they are still taking care of the bodies at the Tangerang District Hospital.

"Not yet.. not yet found. The body is still at the Tangerang Regency Hospital. All of his family isana. We are still waiting, we don't know when it will be buried," he said.