Observers Throw Motorbike Travelers' Ideas Directed By Ship

JAKARTA - Transportation observer Djoko Setijowarno asked the government to direct travelers who use motorbikes to use ships for security. "What is still minimal is that those who use ships, the capacity is large but maybe because they are far from Tanjung Priok, this is also a bit difficult even though the facilities provided are quite large, free food, there are parcels," said Djoko, who is also Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Transportation Community Region Empowerment and Development (MTI) when contacted, Monday, April 1, was confiscated by Antara. Djoko who is also an academic of the Unika Soegijapranata Civil Engineering Study Program, said that free homecoming using ships is very helpful for residents to return to their hometowns in the midst of high flight rates because it uses an upper limit rate (TBA).

In addition, he added, the use of shipboard modes can also be an option, especially since this year the government is holding free homecoming programs from ports throughout Indonesia. "There are actually quite a lot of motorcyclists using the train and almost 100 percent who use it. This must be pursued for the sea. If the land and train are no problem," he said. Djoko referred to a survey by the Transportation Policy Agency of the Ministry of Transportation, which stated that the national movement potential in Lebaran 2024 reached 71.7 percent of the population of Indonesia or 193.6 million. "This is up about 56 percent of the potential number of movement in Lebaran last year. In 2023, the potential for travelers to go home is still 123.8 million and in 2022 it is still at 85.5 million," he said. Djoko then detailed that from around 193.6 million of these travelers, as many as 20.3 percent or 39.32 million would use trains, as much as 19.37 percent or 37.51 million travelers chose buses, while 18.29 percent or 35.42 million travelers were driving private vehicles. Then, those who will use rental cars reached 6.01 percent or 11.64 million. The travelers who use motorbikes are estimated to reach 16.07 percent or 31.12 million people.

The danger of going home using a motorbike, Djoko, believes that the government needs to be more aggressive in campaigning for motorcycle users to participate in the mass homecoming program. "Thus, the accident rate can be suppressed," he said. He reminded the use of motorbikes when going home prone to accidents, especially from those who brought their wives and children while cycling motorbikes during the homecoming last year. Article 106 Paragraph (9) of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ) states that everyone driving a motorbike without a side train is prohibited from carrying more than one passenger.

If you violate it, you can be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of one month or a maximum fine of IDR 250,000 (parallel 292).

Oleh karena itu, menurut Djoko para pemudik dengan sepeda motor harus dilarang membawa barang berlebihan dan anak-anak. Begitu pula pemudik yang menggunakan truk atau mobil pikap."Sebab, meski diberi pelindung seperti terpal pada bagian atas, truk dan pikap hanya diperbolehkan untuk mengangkut barang, bukan orang," kata dia.Hasil evaluasi Lebaran 2023 mencatat terdapat 5.894 kasus kecelakaan dengan 726 korban jiwa selama periode mudik. Merujuk data, sebanyak 76,87 persen kecelakaan melibatkan sepeda motor.