Luxina Remembers The Era Of Koran Romantication By Release Of The First Luxury Newspaper In Indonesia

JAKARTA - For more than a hundred years ago, the news industry, especially printed newspapers, had experienced a peak of glory until it finally experienced a degradation of the heyday and now has the potential to experience extinction because it has to compete with the rapid growth of technology that makes it easier for consumers to get information, such as radio broadcasting, social media digital and rapid growth of online media.

Various efforts to restore the romance of the era of printing newspapers have continued to be echoed by various brands, agencies, and academic community institutions. Memories of Oxford University granting the right to love women in 1920, then, the illness of the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, which resulted in his wife Dante Bolling Galt, de facto replacing the president's duties during 17 to some historical peaks of how the Print Koran was able to serve as a means to deliver news around the world.

Even in the country, the development of newspapers experienced growth after the issuance of News News News Newspaper (1910), Rakjat Sovereignty Newspaper (1945), Alert Newspaper and Rakjat Guidelines (1947), Haluan Newspaper (1948) to Free Voice (1950) and many others. Although currently the newspaper's distribution is again affected by the beating of digital storms, Printed Newspapers are still trying to survive changing times in various ways.

Moving on from these conditions and based on the desire to invite the public to participate while at the same time recalling the heyday of Printed Newspapers, Mega Digital Indonesia (MDI) then released the Koran Luxina (Luxury Indonesia). Having dimensions of 35 X 51 cm and consisting of 32 pages, the printed media Luxina is expected to be able to lift romanticism and given the elegant presence of newspapers, the media that encourages people to focus on reading something until it's finished, the media that makes hands move upside down the page, and carry the atmosphere of the asteroid.

In its first edition, the Luxina Koran featured a rising football athlete, Marc Anthony Klok, on the cover of the newspaper. Marc started his professional career at Jong FC Utrecht in 2011. In 2020 Marc took the oath to become an Indonesian citizen, and now Marc is in the Persib Bandung team. Marc looks happy, he comes in a suit, bag and shoe from DIOR.

MDI Group itself has previously released digital Luxina since 2017.

"We think this moment is the right time to fly back the 'vibe' newspaper. In a format that adapts to current changing times and consumer behavior, the Luxina Koran is not a daily medium that will compete with realtime news on digital land, but is made limited, only for people who think newspapers are legendary objects," said Syahmedi Dean Founder of MDI and Content Director of Luxina, quoted Monday, April 1.

The celebration of the launch of the Luxina Koran itself was carried out at Plaza Indonesia Shopping Mall, Central Jakarta in February 2024. This place was chosen because Plaza Indonesia has been recognized as a barometer luxury universe in Indonesia. The launch of the Luxina Koran was marked by the opening of a flagship rubrik-rubrik photo exhibition in newspapers, photos were sharply printed on a smooth canvas, making the newspaper sheets look elegant in different dimensions.

In the successful photo exhibition until the end of March 2024, several models, celebrities and athletes were also present in supporting Printed Koran Romance in the country, such as Laksmi Deneefe (Indonesian PUTeri), Adinda Cresheilla (Puter Indonesia Tourism and G20 Ambassador 2022), Adit Marciano from Camp Broadway Indonesia, a number of representatives from Public Relations from five-star hotels, representatives from luxury fashion French and Italian brands, legendary models such as Kintan Umari, Dhannny Dahlan, and Ria Juwita. Until slowly entering businesses such as Advinda, Laura Muljadi, and Gaby Hartanto.

'With the presence of the Luxina Koran, we hope to invite us to enjoy time digesting the iformation with more quality. Yes, time is a luxury, and together with this paper hopefully we will bring back the memories of times where every parent and our predecessor get information by reading the newspaper while sipping a glass of coffee," concluded Dean.