DPR Calls Minister Nadiem Kebablasan Removes Scouts From Mandatory Extracurriculars

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives, Syaiful Huda, assesses that the removal of scouters is mandatory extracurricular by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which is under the guidance of Minister Nadiem Makarim.

The reason is, so far Scout activities are considered to have a positive impact on students.

"The policy of removing Scouts as eskul is mandatory for us to go too far," said Syaiful Huda in his statement, Monday, April 1.

Huda said Scouts have proven to form an attitude of independence, togetherness, love nature, leadership, and organization for students.

"This guided activity has also contributed to the cultivation of water love which is a characteristic character for Pancasila students," he said.

Supposedly, continued Huda, the Minister of Education and Technology understands that not all students and guardians of students have sufficient preferences to choose eskul activities according to their needs.

"Don't all imagine that all of our students are in big cities that have enough access to information to understand their self-development needs. What about students in remote parts of the archipelago. It could be that they will choose not to participate in eskul because they are only voluntary," he said.

According to the West Java electoral district PKB legislator, choosing Scouts as obligatory eskul certainly has a clear reason and legal basis. Where Scouts have historically proven to be an effective activity in instilling love for the homeland.

"Expressing the spirit of independence and togetherness, as well as training leadership and organization. The state also recognizes the important meaning of Scouts by producing Law Number 12/2010 concerning the Scout Movement," explained Huda.

As previously reported, Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim removed Pramuka from extracurricularly obliged to go to school.

Scouts are no longer mandatory extracurricular after the issuance of Permendikbudristek No. 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels.

Article 34 states Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 63 of 2014 concerning Leadership Education as Mandatory Extracurricular Activities in Basic Education and Secondary Education (State News of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number 959); Provisions regarding Intracuricular, Structure and Extracurricular activities in Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 23 of 2017 concerning School Day are officially revoked and declared invalid.

Through Ministerial Regulation Number 12 of 2024 concerning Curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels, Scouts are placed as activities that can be selected and followed according to the needs, potential, talents, and interests of students.