Giring Ganesha Praises Ubay's Ability As Nidji's Vocalist

JAKARTA - Giring Ganesha praised Yusuf Ubay's ability to replace his position as vocalist of Nidji. He said the singer who graduated from Indonesian Idol was cooler than himself.

"There is already Ubay, a new vocalist, even cooler," said Giring Ganesha in BSD, South Tangerang on Saturday, March 30.

With his statement, Nidji ensured that he had no intention of becoming Nidji's vocalist again. He appreciates the decision of the band that has chosen a new vocalist who replaces him.

On the other hand, Ubay has also mentioned that his decision to replace Giring's identical position with Nidji is not easy. Even though he has joined the band for five years, he is still often compared to the previous vocalist.

"Yes, if there is pressure, there must be pressure, especially when compared," said Ubay in Kemang, South Jakarta some time ago.

However, Ubay saw the public's reaction as a process that must be passed as a substitute vocalist. He felt that each singer had their own characteristics.

"But it's just a process, now it's not too dizzy. It's a waste of time if I think about it, so yeah, after all, there are still those who like it, who don't like it, it's up to you. I don't want to be too tired to think about it," said Ubay.

"If it's a characteristic, I believe that everyone has different characteristics and is created, so just be sure. So you don't have to be too dizzy thinking about what people say," concluded the frontman Nidji.