Hilbram Dunar Dies After Struggling With Big Cancer

JAKARTA - Sad news came from Hilbram Dunar, a presenter and radio announcer who died on Sunday, March 31 at around 3.00 WIB in the morning.

The death of Hilbram Dunar was reported by the family through uploads on social media.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fu'anhu. Has passed away to Rahmatullah Mr. Hilbram Dunar, the husband of Denny Lusiana Agustin, the father of Ranu Ragusti Dunar and Virpia Puteri Dunar," wrote Virpia Dunar.

Taking his last breath at the age of 48, Hilbram Dunar is said to be battling colon cancer he has suffered.

Meanwhile, Hilbram Dunar's body was buried at the funeral home in Bintaro, South Tangerang. Then, the deceased is planned to be buried at the Tanah Kusir TPU, South Jakarta this afternoon.

For information, Hilbram Dunar is widely known by the public as the host of television program Mario Teguh Golden Ways.

In addition, he also guides several other television programs, such as Formula 1, Get It Right Soon, Trans Tune In, Kisi-kisi, Morning Meals, Difficulty Apologizing, and a number of other sports programs.