BNPB Relocation Of 30 Houses Buried In Land Land Land Landslides In Cipongkor, West Bandung

BANDUNG - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has confirmed that it will immediately relocate 30 houses of residents buried by landslide material in Cibenda Village, Cipongkor District, West Bandung Regency, West Java.

"Houses buried in the category of heavy damage that must be relocated and built by the government with a value of Rp. 60 million per housing unit," said Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Suharyanto in West Bandung Regency as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 27.

Based on the results of the rapid assessment, he said, currently there are 30 houses that must definitely be relocated because they are buried in the ground and are in the red zone prone to landslides.

Nevertheless, he continued, it is possible that there will be an increase in the number of houses that must be relocated to areas that are free from the disaster.

"But of course, for the relocation, not only 30 houses are buried, but maybe around which it is not safe, we will relocate them to a safer place," he said.

He revealed that for the stages of the relocation process for residents' houses, BNPB had coordinated with the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) and cross-sectors for which location assessment was the most recommended.

The study of the condition of the soil structure is also a consideration that the locations inhabited by residents are included in disaster-prone locations.

"This is currently in the process of preparing land and collecting data on residents, I instruct them to accelerate, so that handling can be more optimal," he said.

Suharyanto stated that all residents affected by landslides could no longer occupy their homes because they were damaged, where the government would provide support in the form of a Hunian Waiting Fund (DTH).

He said the Rp500 thousand per month fund could be used to pay the temporary rental fee until the recovery process was carried out.

"So when the house is built and they have to be relocated, the victims may have to sign, so we'll give this DTH," he said.