Police Arrest Couple Killer In Lebak, The Motive For Confiscating THR Money For Retired Madrasah Teachers

The Lebak Resort Police (Polres) arrested the perpetrators of the murder of the married couple Kemend (92) and Satimah (72), none other than his own grandson with the initials ZN (44).

"The victim of a husband and wife of a resident of Kadujajar Malingping who was found at his residence, Monday (25/3) is dead," said Lebak Police Chief AKBP Suyono as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 26.

The Lebak Police arrested the perpetrator in approximately 24 hours after the two bodies of the elderly husband and wife were found.

The perpetrator committed the murder because he wanted to control the holiday allowance (THR) belonging to the Ministry of Education as a retired madrasa teacher.

The perpetrator found out that his adopted grandfather, Kemend, had just taken THR at the Malingping Post Office.

Furthermore, the perpetrator asked for Rp500 thousand to meet the needs during the month of Ramadan 2024.

However, said Suyono, the THR money was not given by the victim to the perpetrator alone.

The perpetrator felt annoyed and immediately attacked the Ministry of Education using his feet until the victim fell and fell to the floor.

"The perpetrators carried out the murder using their respective legs to the two victims and took Rp300 thousand in the Kemend cap," he said.

In order to account for his actions, JN is subject to Article 338 in conjunction with 365 in conjunction with 351 with a penalty of 15 years in prison.