Residents Of Demo Reject Rohingya Refugees At PMI Building, West Aceh

MEULABOH - Dozens of people from Suak Suak Nie Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency held a demonstration at the Rohingya ethnic shelter location at the local Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) building complex.

"We want Rohingya refugees to be moved from our village," said M Nasir, a resident of Suak Nie Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 26.

According to him, the demonstration they carried out was because the community felt uncomfortable with the presence of Rohingya refugees in their village.

Not to mention with the experience that has occurred in a number of areas in Aceh that accommodate Rohingya, said M Nasir, many refugees have fled from refugee camps.

In addition, the public's presence to hold demonstrations was due to collecting the promise of the West Aceh Regency Government, which previously asked for five days to place Rohingya refugees in their village.

However, until the sixth day, dozens of Rohingya refugees were still in their village, so the community held a protest by holding a demonstration.

Meanwhile, Assistant for Government of the Regional Secretariat of West Aceh Regency, who is also Teuku Samsul Alam who is also in charge of 2 Rohingya Refugees, asked the public to be patient.

According to him, the West Aceh Regency Government is currently communicating with the Aceh Government and related parties regarding the handling of Rohingya.