Will Serve Passengers For Lebaran 2024 Homecoming, Perum Damri Does Not Use Electric Buses

JAKARTA - The Damri Public Company (Perum) stated that it will not use electric buses in the Lebaran 2024M/1445 Hijri homecoming transportation service, because it is considered inadequate for long-distance transportation trips.

"We don't dare to use electric buses to serve homecoming transportation," said DAMRI Chrystian Corporate Secretary R. M. Pohan while talking with media crews in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 26.

Chrystian said the decision was taken given the limited infrastructure and readiness of electric bus technology to serve long-distance transportation.

According to Chrystian, electric buses have limitations in terms of battery charging range and time. Currently, the electric bus battery charging time still takes quite a long time, about four hours, and efficient fast charging facilities are not yet available in Indonesia.

He added that supporting infrastructure, such as electric charging stations, also needs to be expanded and improved so that electric buses can operate optimally. However, this requires large investment and long enough time to implement.

Although the electric bus program is part of the government's initiative in the electric vehicle (EV) program, Damri has not yet involved an electric bus fleet in the homecoming transportation service. Chrystian emphasized the importance of careful preparation before adopting new technology in the company's operations. However, Damri will continue to monitor the development of electric bus technology and consider adopting it in the future when infrastructure and technology are more mature.

"Our technology is still not yet, it takes time because again, if there is no electricity investment, the bus can't, the infrastructure must also be invested. It's everywhere like that, it can't be done if it's just a bus. And different brands have different voltages too, the handling is different too," said Chrystian.

He said that currently Damri's focus remains on optimizing the conventional bus fleet which has proven reliable in serving homecoming transportation.

Chrystian also emphasized that his party is committed to providing safe and comfortable transportation services for travelers during the Lebaran homecoming season.

Even though they do not use electric buses, Damri still strives to ensure optimal smooth operations and services to passengers.

"The total fleet prepared for Eid transportation is approximately 2,000 units spread across 44 branches throughout Indonesia", Chrystian said.

Especially for the free homecoming program organized by BUMN, Chrystian said that his party had prepared a fleet of 250 conventional buses.