Astra Infra Will Give Toll Tariff Discounts During Lebaran Homecoming, Here's The Leak

JAKARTA - PT Astra Toll Nusantara (Astra Infra) will provide tariff discounts on a number of segments it manages during the 2024 Eid homecoming.

This is an effort by the company to reduce the density of potential spikes in homecoming and return during this period.

"Hopefully, our initiative can be effective in having an impact on the smooth homecoming of Lebaran this year," said Astra Infra Group Chief Operating Officer Billy Perkasa Kadar in his official statement, Monday, March 25.

Astra Infra is focusing on internal coordination and with relevant stakeholders to prepare for smooth, safe and comfortable homecoming travel.

Regarding the details of the amount and the period of the discount, Astra Infra is currently conducting evaluations and discussions with related parties so that the purpose of unraveling the density of the current can be achieved optimally.

It is known that there are six toll roads managed by Astra, namely the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road, the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road, the Semarang-Solo Toll Road, the Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road and the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road.

In addition, to anticipate the congestion to Merak Port, traffic services have been prepared through traffic management, preparation of main flow lanes to the Merak Toll Gate, East Cilegon and delaying system support.

Especially to anticipate overcrowding on the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road, a traffic engineering mechanism has been prepared, in collaboration with the Korlantas Polri and the local Police.

"In addition, to unravel the density at the toll gate, a mobile reader has also been prepared on the Jombang-Mojokerto section," he said.

"If the rest area is full, road users can also take advantage of rest areas outside the toll road, to then re-enter