How To Improve Spiritual Intelligence, Live Calm And Tough In All Conditions

YOGYAKARTA - The type of intelligence that humans have is not only academic and emotional intelligence. There are still many who do not know if there is also spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is one's ability to find hope, interpret, and feel calm in life.

Spiritual intelligence also plays an important role in the concept of holistic healthy living. The key to implementing healthy living is not only from aspects of physical, mental, and social health. Spiritual intelligence is a balancing factor in these three aspects of healthy living.

A spiritual condition does have an impact on the health of the body because basically there is a relationship between the body, mind, and soul. Having good spiritual intelligence will make individuals live life optimistically and avoid stress. So how to increase their spiritual intelligence and examples of actions?

Maybe you are still confused about what the shape or example of spiritual intelligence looks like. Some people may still have difficulty seeing signs of spiritual intelligence in themselves and others. However, people who have spiritual intelligence can be seen from their way of thinking and behavior.

The following are the characteristics commonly found in people with high spiritual intelligence:

An individual who is able to know what is the value of his life. He can consciously understand what he believes and something that motivates him. The purpose of self-awareness is to understand the values that must be maintained properly. Sometimes a person often forgets and ignores the good values that must be held.

Sometimes a person has difficulties when facing problems that are difficult and diverse in life. A person who has good spiritual intelligence is usually able to overcome problems according to the principles and beliefs he holds. In themselves, there are mature principles so that they can be calmer in solving problems.

A spiritual intelligent person is also characterized by an attitude of respecting differences and diversity. They can see differences as an interesting point of view and a common thing in life. They also will not be easy to force will or commit violence against others who are different from them.

Before recklessly solving the problem, these individuals will understand the root of the problem deeply. Usually they will investigate and ask basic questions before rushing to conclusions. A person with spiritual intelligence is not going to solve the problem haphazardly.

High spiritual intelligence helps a person realize the relationships between objects and the various phenomena that occur. Some may tend to ignore a thing or think it is not important.

However, it is different from someone who has spiritual intelligence, where they will see something holistically to know the causes and consequences. So they will not be easy to judge or judge without knowing the context.

An individual has beliefs that are held firmly and not easily shaken. People with spiritual intelligence are generally not easily incited or influenced by things beyond their belief.

Another advantage of people with high spiritual intelligence is that they rarely experience stress. These individuals do have better stress management skills. They can control their thoughts and emotions so they don't easily go down when facing certain conditions.

The level of spiritual intelligence of each person is indeed different. This is influenced by the experience of life, insight, and perspective on life. Each individual gets their own unique and different spiritual calling or awareness from others.

The way to achieve spiritual intelligence can also be different. Even though the characters are the same, the methods used to train spiritual intelligence can be different according to individual habits. For example, there are those who like to meditate, pray, sing religious songs, read inspiral books, healing in the open, do social activities, and others.

Here are a number of tips for practicing spiritual intelligence that you might be able to apply:

Those are some ways to increase spiritual intelligence that everyone needs to understand. To be able to create a holistic self-potential, individuals must continue to train spiritual intelligence along with intellectual and emotional intelligence. Also read how to build high self-esteem in children.

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