Creative Ideas For Student Danus, Easy To Find Additional Funds

YOGYAKARTA - There are various sources of funds that student organizations can rely on to carry out activities. This budget requirement needs to be prepared as well as possible when preparing a work program. So that the program can run smoothly, it requires sufficient funding.

Usually the organizing committee will submit a funding proposal to the campus. However, sometimes the aid funds received have not been able to cover the planned budget. Under these conditions, students must rack their brains to be able to get money from other sources.

Every student organization or activity committee will hold a business fund (danus) to make money independently. Outside of campus funds and sponsorship, the dangus division must work extra to raise money. There are several creative ideas for funds that can be applied by students.

It is normal for students to seek additional funds to run work programs. When they find out that the funds collected are still lacking, the committee will carry out business fund activities to meet the budget.

Don't be surprised if on campus or surrounding areas you see a group of students selling goods or food. If you cross the streets of Jogja, for example, you will probably meet a group of students singing or singing on the side of the road. These activities include examples of business funds to find additional money.

Funding activities are getting easier in the digital era like today. Students can take advantage of online platforms to find additional funds. For students who want to hold work programs, here are creative ideas for funds both online and offline:

Another source of income that can be used as business funds is merchandise. The only way to make products related to the world of campus and student needs. You can also offer merchandise that is an icon of the event theme.

Examples of merchandise products that can be sold include t-shirts, totebags, hats, notebooks, and others. Merchandise sales can be done directly by offering students and lecturers. You also have to take advantage of social media for wider promotion.

Live music shows are liked by many as entertainment. The event committee can do live music to get additional funds. You don't have to have a big concert, but it's enough to do live music at a cafe.

Committees that have musical talent can carry out assurances in cafes or crowded places. In the event, it is only a matter of holding fundraising to collect funds from visitors. In addition to being useful for increasing budget funds, this activity also helps hone the potential of students in the field of music.

Freelance services can also be an interesting activity for funding. Especially now that offering freelance services is easier thanks to the existence of digital platforms. It's just a matter of finding out who the students are or members of the committee want to open services in certain fields.

The freelance work offered is adjusted to the student's skills, it could be photography services, graphic design, web development, and others. However, in order not to burden students, it is necessary to implement a share revenue system for commission development.

The event program committee can also offer writing services as an effort to raise business funds. You can create writing services to help student friends. For example writing for papers or articles.

This writing service is quite much needed by students who have difficulty doing college assignments. But keep in mind that the services provided are just helping. Not completely a jockey from other students.

Another interesting idea that can be done as a dangus activity is to make a bazaar. This one activity is effective enough to gain large amounts of funds. No need for a luxurious event, you can hold a bazaar in a simple but creative manner.

The committee can hold a bazaar in the hall or campus yard with permits from the university. Hold a bazaar for several days by selling various types of products or goods. For example selling snacks, homemade foods, preloved goods, books, and others.

Those are some creative ideas for student funds to quickly raise funds. Funding activities can be an alternative source of funds when the budget is not sufficient for the designed budget. Also read tips for choosing the right scholarship.

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