Sri Mulyani: Taxes Become Important Components To Run State Activities

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati asked the public to immediately report Annual Notification (SPT) considering the role of taxes that are important components in state fiscals.

"We see that taxes are a very important component to carry out state activities, especially for people who get a lot of support from the government. I urge the submission of SPT to be delivered on time and on information," Sri Mulyani said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 25.

In particular, continued Sri Mulyani, all citizens who have income above taxless income (PTKP), considering that the closure of the Annual SPT report for individual taxpayers is only five days away.

Meanwhile, Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo reported that the number of taxpayers who had reported Annual SPT as of March 24, 2024 at 23.00 WIB reached 10.16 million, growing 8.24 percent compared to the same period the previous year which was recorded at 9.38 million SPT.

The number of SPTs reported through e-filling reached 8.94 million, up from last year's 8.15 million. Meanwhile, 970,169 SPT and 246,826 SPT were reported through e-forms.

"So, most of the SPTs are delivered via e-filling," said Suryo.

To optimize SPT submission, the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) will continue to open services outside the office, even during holidays.

DGT also strengthens channels that can be used to convey information, one of which is via email.

However, Suryo reminded the public to be careful with fraudulent attempts on behalf of the DGT.

"Please ignore messages that do not come from or This may be what taxpayers often get inappropriate information, we are afraid this is fraud," he said.