Meaning Robbighfirli Warhamni Watub Alayya, Dhikr Taubat And How To Practice It

YOGYAKARTA One of the practices suggested to be carried out in the month of Rajab is not only reading but knowing the meaning of Robbighfirli Warhamni Watub Alayya. The reading was read in a series of links to past sins.

Quoted from the NU Online website, in the month of Rajab there were many practices recommended by the scholars, one of which was asking for forgiveness from Allah SWT. Robbighfirli's reading Warhamni Watub Alayya himself is the reading of the istighfar in the month of Rajab which means as follows.

"My God, forgive me, love me, and forgive me."

It is recommended to read the reading as much as 70x and read it every morning and evening during the month of Rajab.

In Imam Suyuti's book Al-Jami', Imam Suyuti explains that there is a history of Ibnu Asakir from Abi Umamah that Wahab bin Munabbih is as follows.

"I read in the book of Allah which was revealed before the Qur'an that anyone with a certificate in the month of Rajab in the morning and evening by lifting his hands and saying, 'Rabbbighfirlii warhamnii watub 'alayya' 70 times, then his skin will not be touched by the fire of hell."

Habib Syech bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf through a video uploaded on his personal YouTube channel explained that the month of Rajab is a noble month. All worship will be doubled by Allah SWT.

"Therefore, Rajab's month is said to be a month of istighfar, a month of forgiveness, a month in which Allah sells forgiveness for anyone who asks for forgiveness," said Habib Syech.

In the month of Rajab, people are invited to read a lot of istighfar readings without leaving other practices.

"So we have carried out all obligations, all routine practices are added by reading the istighfar of each Maghrib bakda and Fajr bakda," explained Habib Syech.

One of the practices recommended by the caretaker of the Ahbaabul Musthofa Council is to read Rajab's istighfar 70 times. He also warned him to really take advantage of the Rajab moment well.

"In the month of King, there should be no one who does not get forgiveness from Allah. Because Allah has said that the month of Rajab is included in the holy month. The Prophet said, the month of Rajab is the month of Istighfar. So the istighfar is increased," he said.

In addition to increasing istighfar, Muslims are advised to do other practices. The following is a list of Rajab month's practices that can be done at home.

In the month of Rajab Muslims are also advised to pray as much as possible. Some prayers that can be done are such as prayer d better, sunnah haratib, and so on.

If possible, it is recommended to fast Sunnah in the month of Rajab. Some examples of sunnah fasting that can be done such as fasting Monday-Thursday.

The month of Rajab is also a good time to make alms to the poor or those in need. Rajab's month alms pahala will be doubled.

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