Mezzaluna And Mea Shahira: From School Stages To Java Jazz Festival

Mezzaluna and Mea Shahira are two young soloists under Sony Music Indonesia. Both will appear for the first time at the Java Jazz Festival (JJF) 2024.

Having the opportunity to appear at the biggest jazz music festival in Indonesia is something surprising for Mezzaluna. Moreover, there was a kind of d\"ej vu when he was on the same stage with Mea Shahira.

And it's so FUNny. By the way there is a funny story, right? I played at Java Jazz with Mea Shamira, well, Mea was my classmate at junior high school," Mezzaluna said via voice message to VOI, Monday, March 25.

So, one day there was an event at our school, like there was an event, basically the theme was jazz, then we looked like jazz singers, and now we will appear in Java Jazz. This is really crazy.

The process of entering Mezzaluna into the JJF 2024 line-up is said to have come suddenly. The singer of Setting Up The Phone Call even admitted that she did not believe it.

After all, Mezzaluna is proud of her first line-up at the big music festival. Jazz is the music that has inspired her in her work.

"Initially I entered the main line-up festival like Java Jazz, I really didn't expect it. And I was also really surprised when my process was chosen, because suddenly I was told that I was going to play at Java Jazz. And I was like oh my god, how did it even happen? " said Mezzaluna.

"I'm happy that this is my first music festival, especially Java Jazz, because jazz explains what music is to me. Because my biggest influence is in the jazz genre, so I'm really grateful to be able to get opportunities like this," he concluded.