Wamenkominfo: Presidential Regulation Publisher Rights Appreciated At Summit For Democracy 3rd

JAKARTA - In the 3rd Summit for Democracy held in Seoul, South Korea some time ago, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, said that seeking a balance between the sustainability of the media amid technological disruptions was still in a struggle.

According to Nezar, this is because there is not yet an ideal business model for all media in the world. Because, if an ideal model business is found for one medium, it is not necessarily ideal for other media.

"Therefore, this search is still ongoing, especially the current media must enter the digital space and meet with digital platform companies that distribute media content," Nezar told the media on Friday, March 23 at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics office, Jakarta.

In addition, this conference also discusses how a country deals with technological disruption. Where, Nezar admitted that the steps taken by the Indonesian government in maintaining the balance of the sustainable media were widely appreciated.

"They appreciate the steps taken by the Indonesian government, especially the Presidential Regulation regarding public rights. According to them, Indonesia can be used as an example of combining the sustainability of the media or medium sustainability by supporting quality journalism," he said.

Nezar added, "Because in general it is to regulate a new balance between the media industry and the global media platform, in general, it only looks from a business to business perspective. Now Indonesia is taking another path, namely trying to provide space for quality journalism to continue to exist in the midst of the onslaught of this global platform.