PKS Respects The Results Of The 2024 Election, But Highlights Violations That Are Considered To Damage Democracy

JAKARTA - President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Ahmad Syaikhu stated that his party respects the results of the 2024 General Election announced by the KPU. Even so, PKS highlighted the many violations during the election process.

"As a political party that is committed to democratic principles and the election process, PKS respects the decisions taken by the General Election Commission (KPU)," said Syaikhu in a written statement, Friday, March 22.

"However, we also feel the need to provide notes on the election process that has just taken place. This process, unfortunately, is full of drama and tensions that damage the joints of democracy," he added.

The member of Commission I of the DPR also highlighted the practice of money politics or the polymer politics that is still mushrooming ahead of voting. Syaikhu encouraged this to be dealt with firmly.

"We cannot ignore the fact that money politics, political practices involving money and wealth have become a common sense of directing choices. This should trigger firm action from election organizers to maintain the integrity of the democratic process. We hope that measures to prevent and take action against the practice of money politics can be strengthened," he stressed.

Syaikhu also highlighted the many ethical violations by the KPU and Bawaslu as election organizers. So that they get harsh sanctions from the DKPP because of the KPU's unprofessionalism regarding Sirekap which causes noise and neutrality of government officials in the election.

In addition, Syaikhu also appreciated Amin's legal team for bringing disputes over the election results to the Constitutional Court. PKS, he said, was also waiting patiently for the decision to be taken by the Court regarding the dispute over the election results.

"We also appreciate the AMIN legal team who will file a structured, systematic and massive (TSM) fraud case to the Constitutional Court. Hopefully this process will run well and produce a fair and fair decision for all Indonesian people," he concluded.