High TB Cases In Indonesia, Ministry Of Manpower Asks Tanganggan Company To Work
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) asks companies to have a high commitment as well as be actively involved in tackling tuberculosis (TBC) in the workplace.
Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Health, based on the 2022 Global TB Report, Indonesia is the country with the second highest TB burden in the world after India. WHO estimates 969,000 TB cases in Indonesia with the current notification figures of 717,941 cases.
Director General of Binwasnaker & K3 of the Ministry of Manpower, Haiyani Rumondang, said the company could tackle this virus by creating healthy workplace quality (hygienic), cultivating clean life, ventilation a good workplace, not smoking and drinking alcohol and regular exercise.
"The Ministry of Manpower invites all parties, including companies, to improve the implementation of K3 by encouraging governance in handling tuberculosis in inclusive and participatory workplaces, so that K3-cultured workers can be realized for the sustainability of the business world," said Haiyani in an official statement, Thursday, March 21.
Haiyani added that the Ministry of Manpower has a high commitment in tackling tuberculosis on the spot.
This is realized by the issuance of the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Control of Tubercolosis in the Workplace.
The Permenaker came out as a form of our desire to eliminate tuberculosis cases in the workplace by 2030. Indonesia still has a large number of tuberculosis cases, with the highest number of cases of tuberculosis in the world," he said.
He hopes that through the activities of the Palanggan 2024 Meeting, in addition to knowledge, it will also provide an understanding of the prevention of Tubercolosis and the implementation of K3 as a whole to the company.
"I congratulate companies that have received awards in compliance with testing the work environment and work health checks in order to implement protection programs for workers," he said.