Golkar Said About Surya Paloh's Congratulations To Prabowo Indications Joining Coalition

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party appreciates the attitude of the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, who received and congratulated Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the elected president and vice president for the 2024-2029 period.

Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, assessed that Surya Paloh's attitude should be an example for the elite political elites who fight in elections.

"That's a gentle Bro Surya Paloh. Entering the fight is ready to win ready to lose, so he immediately gave a statement, even congratulated Pak Prabowo. Of course this will be a lesson for all of us, elements of the nation, that in order to maintain a healthy democracy, yes, we must all be able to position proportionally," said Ahmad Doli at the Golkar Party DPP office in Slipi, West Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.

However, Doli did not want to conclude that Surya Paloh's attitude was an indication that NasDem wanted to join the Prabowo-Gibran government. Because according to him, there are stages that NasDem must go through if he wants to join the political parties of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition.

"Well, what is the indication that the NasDem Party will join the coalition or cooperation in the government? I think maybe it's too early we can judge that. And even if that might happen, it should be preceded by long discussions between Pak Prabowo and the general chairmen of political parties who yesterday may not or have not joined the Advanced Indonesia coalition," said the chairman of Commission II of the DPR.

Although, said Doli, the spirit and narrative that Prabowo has always built as president is unity. In fact, the General Chairperson of Gerindra received the best political parties or cadres from the Paslon 01 and 03 camps to be able to join.

"But I think it's a process. There are communication stages that must be passed whose initiatives are from Pak Prabowo and may also be assisted by political parties in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition," he concluded.